
使命、愿景 & 战略计划



As Maumee Valley Country Day School approaches its 140th anniversary in Toledo, it remains the preeminent educational institution in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. We are beholden to an innovative spirit and tradition of excellence and proud of our reputation for trailblazing. 这种开拓精神体现在许多方面, from who we hire and how they teach to the students and families we select. It’s also present in the stories of our alumni and of their impact in their professions and communities.

We remain undeterred in this collective commitment: to educate and 激励 tomorrow’s leaders by cultivating creativity and encouraging exploration.

Guiding us along the way are our Mission, 指导原则, 愿景, and 战略计划.


Maumee Valley Country Day School cultivates an inclusive community of intellectual excellence w在这里 learners creatively 探索 their passions and boldly 激励 positive change in the world.

Our mission statement is not just a superficial piece of messaging; it plays a crucial role in defining our identity, 指导我们的行动, 塑造我们的未来. It serves as a foundational statement that helps ensure we remain focused, 目的导向, 和成功. It also signals our role and place in the broader community, communicating to communities and organizations across the region what we stand for and what sets us apart.



We create an environment of freedom and responsibility to Think, 说话, 探索, 选择, 连接, 和做你自己.

Our 指导原则 is a fundamental belief that influences our behavior and decision-making. It is a moral and ethical compass that ensures decisions and actions are aligned with deeply-held values.  我们的原则有助于一致性, 问责制, 以及长期的成功, and it helps to guide personal development and foster positive relationships and cultures.


个人. 经验. 全球.

Maumee Valley is more than buildings or groups of people. 我们是一个学习者的社区,也是一种生活方式. Our educational philosophy defines how students eng年龄 with the world. That eng年龄ment is most successful when it is personal, experiential, and global. Through carefully crafted experiences and serendipitous explorations, a Maumee Valley education launches each student toward greater discovery of the world and their place in it.


We recognize that each student has the potential to learn and that each student learns differently. Our faculty know how to create and deliver content to support, 激励, and challenge all students to learn and grow at their individual rates and capacities. While a Maumee Valley education provides a foundation of core skills and knowledge, it also encour年龄s and supports the development of a student’s unique talents and interests. We guide each student through a personal journey, carefully constructed in partnership with faculty. Students come to know their passions and strengths and to respect and value those qualities in others.


我们认识到学生在实践中学得最好. 作为学生亲身经历事件, 他们学会问问题, 探索, 承担风险, 并从这些时刻中汲取深度学习. Our faculty curate experiences that lead students to acquire the core skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation of a Maumee Valley education. 我们的教师引导学生独立学习, 彼此之间, 来自当地专家和导师, 以及世界各地的mg冰球突破试玩.

Maumee Valley’s commitment to experiential learning is evident in our school’s rich history. The 75-acre wooded campus promotes nature as part of the curriculum. From the open classrooms of the 较低的学校 to Intensives in the 中学 and 上学校, Maumee Valley’s long-standing commitment to experiential education helps to differentiate us from other independent and public schools.


我们认识到全球流畅性, whether measured by a second or third langu年龄 learned or awareness of many customs and cultures, 是否需要更强的自我意识和成功. Our campus is the hub from which students move out into the community to work and learn. Rooted in the early explorations of the rich natural environment of our campus, students eventually move out to 探索 the world through virtual and real travel to the far reaches of the globe.

成为有贡献的全球公民, 我们鼓励学生研究大问题, to seek out the broader contexts and ramifications of those issues, 并以创造性和协作的方式解决这些问题. Our campus prepares them well by bringing together students–many of whom are first- and second-generation Americans–from nearly every continent and major religious background and culture.


这是了解我们使命的最好方式之一, 愿景, and 指导原则 in action is by understanding our 战略计划. Its four primary focus areas are the guideposts on our five-year journey of trailblazing.

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